How to celebrate your teams first league title in style

Novak Djokovic wasn’t the only champion doing a lap of honour around Wimbledon.
London Box Sash FC clinched their first ever league title over the weekend and they made sure that they celebrated their triump in the Wilmbledon and District League Division Three in perfect style.
The lads sipped glasses of champagne as they enjoyed an open bus tour and greeted their adoring public, or at least tried to.

Anyone in a football team would love to have this kind of party and they made sure to do a complete lap of SW19 around the famous tennis club before returning to the pub where they started for a end of season award show with friends and family.
Manager and captain of the team seemed to ignore any other sporting events that were happening over the weekend.
Like our commitment on the pitch, we thought we would go that extra mile with our jubilations and soak up the fervent atmosphere that encapsulates Wimbledon at this time of year. Not only did we have the bus parade, we also held the team’s player of the season awards – it doesn’t get much bigger than that for sporting occasions in Wimbledon.
Manager and Captain Matt Cook

The team also managed to collect donations and raised a total of £250 for the Generations Foundation – a charity which focuses on creating a better quality of life for children who are disabled, disadvantaged, or struggle with ill health.
The whole season has not only been a huge success, but a barrel of laughs. We’re a team of mates united by our love of football. We fully expect to be challenging for the title again next season.
Goalkeeper, Patrick Ellis

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